Students busy preparing for House Art More...
On the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, AGS came together as a School to remember all those who have given their lives to prot… More...
Are you able to volunteer with Young Enterprise? More...
Over the Easter break with the excellent project management of Mr Martin Frampton (AGS parent) and a small but hardworking team of volunteers the AGS … More...
Peter enjoyed a tour of the School earlier this month. More...
Who were the winners in 2020-21? More...
We are excited to be able share with you our new School film which has been created to reinforce our School brand messaging and to help our wider comm… More...
Huge thanks to all our OAs who returned on Monday 28 June to share their expertise. So good to see you all! More...
Click below to read more of when did the School crest become a blazer badge for AGS students. More...
AGS are thrilled to have been awarded the coveted School of Character Kitemark. More...
Which house won the competition this year....? More...